Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mansfield Hallow Lake Hike 3.20.10

Since it was so gorgeous out today (another day in the 70's here in CT) I decided it was a great day to take Bella out for a hike. I decided to go out to Mansfield Hallow Lake. We had a great hike although we did get lost and ended up hiking longer than planned! Here are some pictures from our outing. Hope you enjoy! =o)

Here is Mansfield Hallow Lake

Roots forming stairs along the trail

Fallen down tree

We started out on the blue trail and somehow ended up on the yellow trail which resulted in us getting lost!

Moss covered tree

I found this tree to be very intriguing

End of our hike

A family enjoying the view

There were a lot of people out on the lake today kayaking and canoeing

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Welcome to my blog!
I have just started my photography website and I am very excited about the whole process! I plan to use this blog as a way to update everyone on what how the photography is going and to post a few preview images from each session that I do!
Over the weekend I was able to do some sample pictures of my sister Jamie, my brother in-law Lincoln and his girlfriend Renee and my husband Jarrod. Here are a few of my favorites! Hope you all enjoy and continue to follow!